Beihai Park

Beihai Park or North Sea Park is located half kilometer to the west of the north gate of the Forbidden City. Beihai Park is one of the most popular parks in the city of Beijing. The whole park covers a total area of over 68 hectares, more than half of it is taken up by the Beihai Lake. It is used to be the former palace of the emperors in successive dynasties, called the Winter Palace by Westerners.

The main scenery of Beihai Park is composed of: Beihai Lake, Jade Islet, Jinxinhai, Nine Dragon Screen, Round City, White Pagoda, Suhavati Garden, Yong'an Temple and many other interesting ones.

Beihai Park is now one of the best of China's classical gardens with artificial hills, pavilions, halls, temples and covered corridors today. In summer, Beihai Park is an ideal place to escape from heat. The view in front of the magnificent White Dagoba on top of White Dagoba Hill is of the golden tiles and red walls of the Forbidden City and Jingshan Park with its five pavilions to the east and the graceful buildings of Tuancheng (the Round City) and the green waves of Zhongnanhai to the south. One can also have a panoramic view of the Great Hall of the People, the Museum of History and many high-rise buildings in Beijing. Beihai Park is really one of the most popular scenic spots in the capital. Beijing.