Chinese Antique

Antique Jade Ware
In the ancient time, jade can be taken as a treasure of tremendous value and a symbol of one’s social status. Beijing jade ware can be divided into the big size and the small size. The big size jade ware is carved into tea sets, figures and vases. The small size is carved into rings, necklaces and stamps. The latter one is easily to carry and good as a souvenir.
The word “jade” was generated in the ancient words of our country. The number of word connected with “jade” is near five hundred. And the treasures of Chinese all were connected with jade. Jade is the word that is nice and magnificent. There are many ancient poems which parable fine man or matter as jade.
Antique Furniture
Beijing can be called a capital of antique furniture because of its historical significance. Thousands of craftsmen gathered in Beijing to make high quality furniture since the Ming Dynasty. It is a fact that the furniture made in Beijing will be a treasured exotic for both domestic and international customers.

Traditional Chinese furniture is generally arranged in symmetrical suites or sets. These are, however, supplemented with other more flexible arrangements to prevent the room from having too staid an atmosphere. For example, paintings or examples of calligraphy might be hung on the wall; ceramic, enamel or other knick-knacks might be placed in an antique display cabinet; or flower arrangements made of jade or stone might top a square occasional table. Any or all of these can add splashes of color and elegant form to the room. These delicate additions set off the heavy furniture to give a rich composite effect.

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